OFX file converter

  1. Download your transactions in OFX format
  2. Import the file on the box aside
  3. Download it converted to an Excel file
  4. Enjoy!

Want to convert PDF files to Excel or CSV? Click here!

How to open OFX, QFX or QBO files?

All you need to do is drag and drop your files on the box above to see the info.

How to convert OFX, QFX or QBO files to another format?

After uploading, it will show you all the information on your file and, if you want, you can convert ofx to excel or convert ofx to csv and download it in a format you can easily open in Excel.

What is OFX?

The OFX format is a file type used to store financial information widely used by banks, as it supports various types of financial transactions, such as bank statement, credit card bill, investments and taxes.

OFX stands for Open Financial Exchange.

The format was created by Microsoft, Intuit and CheckFree in 1997. It replaced the Open Financial Connectivity (.ofc) format, previously used in the Microsoft Money application. It is the most used file type to export bank statements from internet banking systems worldwide.

Why is OFX useful?

OFX files only contains information about bank transactions (the same as you find when looking at your bank statement). Therefore, it is considered secure, as it does not display passwords or other sensitive information. This file format is universally accepted by financial and accounting software, so it is common for financial institutions to make available the download of financial statements in OFX format. Files in OFX format can be used to exchange financial information between systems, such as exporting the statement directly from your internet banking and importing it into your financial control or business management system.

What is the purpose of this tool?

Although the OFX format is widely used to exchange financial information between systems, it is not very easy to read (unless you are a computer), nor easy to import into a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice. This ONLINE OFX Converter allows the conversion of this format to a more friendly format like a spreadsheet in Excel XLSX or CSV format.

Are there any usage limits for file conversions and can businesses use the service for free?

We offer flexible usage options to accommodate different user needs. Unregistered users can convert up to 1 file every 24 hours, while registered users can convert up to 5 files every 24 hours. If you require more conversions, we offer a range of paid plans designed to meet higher volume needs. However, everyone, including businesses, can use our service for free if these limits suit their requirements. Our goal is to provide a convenient and accessible solution for all users.